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Best Gifts for Passing Exams for Your Child in 2024?

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors

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Gift Ideas for Children of All Ages

Your child has made it through the exam season with hard work and now they are ready to celebrate. 🎊 But what do you get for the child as their well-deserved gifts for passing exams? It’s not easy to choose, but here are some ideas that will help you get started on finding the perfect gift for your child for successfully passing their exam recently.

However, before we get carried away with the gift ideas, remember, that all children experience the exam seasons differently. Some of them get very stressed before and after the exams so your emotional support could be the best gift for them at that moment. Give your child some encouragement before the exam and allow them to talk about how they did afterwards. Listen to them diligently and without any judgement. Make them feel you are a proud parent regardless of the exam results. After all, parental care, love and attention are the sweetest gifts for any child.

Now, it’s time to explore the options…

🎁 How to Reward a Child After Passing Regular School Tests:

1. Snacks and Chocolates 🍫

Almost every child is nervous about the test, which means that passing it gives them self-confidence. However, you want your kid to keep that self-esteem to ace their following exams, right? Snacks and chocolates are a perfect gift for a primary school student. It’s not expensive and there’s a bonus – dark chocolate is among 7 brain foods to boost brain health and learning abilities even more.

✅ They are practical. Snacks and chocolates are something that most children enjoy, and they can be a useful gifts for a child.

✅ They are affordable. They are generally affordable, making them a good gift option for those on a tight budget.

✅ They are a delicious treat. Who doesn’t love a tasty snack or some delicious chocolate? Snacks and chocolates can be a welcome treat for your child who has recently passed an exam and deserves a little celebration.

2. Jewellery with Motivating Inscription

A piece of jewellery with an inspiring message can serve as a reminder of your child’s hard work and determination and can help to keep them motivated as they move on to their next goals.

There are many options for jewellery with motivating inscriptions, such as necklaces, bracelets, and rings. You can find pieces with messages like “never give up,” “dream big,” or “believe in yourself.” You can also consider getting a piece of jewellery personalised with a specific message or quote that is meaningful to your child.

Jewellery can be a meaningful and memorable gift that can be treasured for years to come. It’s a thoughtful way to show your support and appreciation for someone who has accomplished something significant.

3. Activities and Experiences

Best Gifts for Passing Exams - Tree Top Adventure
Adventures as the Best Gifts for Passing Exams

Not all exam gifts need to be physical. Sometimes the most memorable ones are outdoor activities and fun experiences. You can leave a lifelong impression by taking your child to a Zip-line, wall-climbing, paint-ball or Tree Top Adventure. While these gifts will help you reward your child for their small success, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the trip too. It is almost guaranteed that your child will be telling his/her friends at school about the experience. This would help them keep motivated for the next school tests, remembering how well they did on the previous one!

🎁 For Serious Exams, Such as 11+, GCSE or A-level, You Can Buy More Expensive Gifts:

1. An iPad

An iPad nowadays is considered a must-have tool for studying, hence one of the best gifts for passing exams. Your child can get note-taking apps and practise pretty note-taking techniques if that’s something they like. It can be a source of entertainment too. An iPad can be a great way for a student to relax and unwind after a challenging exam period. It can provide access to movies, music, games, and other forms of entertainment.

This can boost motivation and help them study even better. iPad is quite convenient for studying since you can take it with you easily and study anywhere. You can find cheaper iPads if you search for used ones on eBay!

2. Comfortable Headphones 🎧

Learning after the pandemic changed and some universities still choose to teach online. Your child can benefit from long-lasting headphones since it will be more comfortable to attend online lessons and video lectures.

Headphones can also help block out distractions and allow a student to focus on their studies.

3. A Laptop 💻

This gift can be a bit pricey, but again, you can find neatly used laptops on eBay at low prices. A good headphone set and a laptop go hand in hand. If their current laptop lags, they may get discouraged from learning. Also, they can use the laptop for reading school papers, watching lectures, taking additional courses online, etc.

4. Amazon Kindle

This tool can be used to read for entertainment, but also to read books for school. Some majors, like law, require students to read a lot of resources, so if your child just passed an A-level exam with good grades, you can get them an Amazon kindle!

5. Strong Power Bank

If your child plans on attending the university that is teaching on-site, a power bank can be a lifesaver for them. Students may need to go from class to class without a break, so they sometimes need to charge their phones or an iPad on the go. Wireless charging is a must-have for a uni student.

5. A Smartwatch ⌚

A smartwatch is not used for studying specifically. However, mental health and well-being are essential for university students. For example, this tool can motivate them to work out and with managing sleep. Working out helps with every aspect of our lives. They will be more healthy, energetic and happy and they’ll be able to ace all of the other exams in university.

🎁 Relaxing Activities can Also be Great Gifts for Passing Exams:

1. Go out for a Nice Dinner

Your child doesn’t need some grand gifts to feel appreciated. You as a family can go out for a nice dinner. Focus the whole evening on the child and celebrate their success. Ask them to choose the restaurant and you can even wear matching t-shirts! Quality time can be the best gift you give them after a stressful exam period. 

2. Have a Spa Day (Parents Are Also Allowed to Enjoy the Gifts)

Sometimes, dinner is not a good idea, since it can be overwhelming and even more stressful for some children. Get all the essentials ready and have a spa day! Taking care of yourself and your body is significant. You can also talk about silly topics while having a face mask on. However, don’t forget to tell the child how you appreciate their hard work and how proud you are when chatting. 

3. Have a Movie Night

If your child likes watching movies or TV shows, you can offer them to watch them together. A relaxing evening with your child can benefit you too and it will provide them with emotional support. Resting well after an exam season is important to get ready for the next challenges!

The Best Gift for Every Child for Exam Success

Best Gifts for Passing Exams - Positive Emotions
Girl Being Happy for Passing Exams

At the end of the day, your child does not need any material gifts from you to feel appreciated. No matter how useful and good the gift is, there is no better gift than a parent being supportive. Unconditional love from you is priceless for children of all ages. Teenagers may don’t act like it, but everyone needs their parents to have pride in them. Just praise your kid, tell them that you are proud of them and if they’ve ever struggled with tests, point out how far they’ve come with their hard work and dedication!

What if Exam Results were not What You Expected?

It’s okay if your child didn’t get the exam results they were hoping for. There are many factors that can affect a student’s performance on an exam. It’s important to remember that a single exam or test is not the sole measure of a person’s worth or abilities.

If your child is feeling disappointed or frustrated about their exam results, it’s okay to allow them to express their emotions. It’s natural to feel upset when things don’t go as planned. However, it’s important to try to keep things in perspective and not let one exam define your child’s self-worth or future.

There are many ways to support your child if they are dealing with disappointing exam results. Talk to them about their feelings, encourage them to take some time to reflect on what may have gone wrong. Was it the exam anxiety? Did they not revise effectively? Everything can be improved!

If your child is struggling with a particular subject or is having difficulty understanding the material, it may be helpful to seek the assistance of a tutor. A tutor can provide one-on-one support and guidance to help your child better understand the material and improve their performance on exams.

You can try looking for online tutors from your child’s dream university to ease the process whether they dream of Cambridge, Oxford, Warwick or any other top schools.

One of the platforms to find exceptionally talented student tutors from top universities is Edumentors.co.uk, where you can compare online tutors based on their background, price and experience or ask an educational expert to find the best match for you! Remember, it is as tough and stressful for your child as it is for you and there is always a smart way out.


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